Ajin saison 1 & 2 FULL HD

10:04:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Ajin is the new Seinen Manga series that offers Glénat after Crueler than Dead, we come back with Horror / Fantasy, 
but in a much less violent story. This first volume could be halfway between Seinen and Shonen, 
flirting really exists! Ajin is THE Seinen of the moment in Japan, while a French publisher would have been wrong to deny it, 
and what is the strongest it's "no anime" because there is often a strong increase during the broadcast eponymous anime, 
here it is not. In the space of a year, to show you the great success, Ajin has exceeded one million sales in Japan, 
which is a good figure as a whole. To give you an equivalence, Naruto is one of the most successful in terms of sales Manga, 
has passed 1 million copies on average per book, here it is 1 million to 3 volumes.

And it is clear that in Seinen Glénat publishing term is rarely wrong, the publisher's counter can be seen: 
Akira / Appleseed / Blame / Berserk / Bastard! / Ghost in the Shell / Gunnm Last Order / Kenshin the Vagabond / ...

Next month, I think we will talk about the 2 new releases since Glénat publisher launches Stray Dogs, 
a French first manga author (we will come back on its journey in the review which will be for him) and Love in the Hell 
Erotic mixing and Humor in Infernal universe. But now let's focus on this Ajin, still in ending this intro to signal that 
this Manga was many times nominated as: the Manga Taisho Award, the Cultural Prize Osamu Tezuka and the award for best manga Kodansha.

Ajin saison 1 ------------------------------------
   Épisode 01           Épisode 07           Épisode 13      
   Épisode 02           Épisode 08
   Épisode 03           Épisode 09
   Épisode 04           Épisode 10
   Épisode 05           Épisode 11
   Épisode 06           Épisode 12
Ajin saison 2 ------------------------------------
   Épisode 01           
   Épisode 02           
   Épisode 03      
   Épisode 04           

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